Note: We have restored a number of these rare Mason & Hamlin “Screw Stringer” pianos in our shop over the years and they are superior instruments. While some less experienced technicians may be apprehensive to tune a Mason & Hamlin Screw Stringer, these pianos are actually easier to tune than conventional pianos and they do seem to stay in.
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The Value of Your Piano
This Virtual Appraisal will give you a rough idea of what your piano might be worth. Included are general values based upon formulas used in my 35 years of experience buying, selling, tuning and restoring pianos. A large part of my job has been to assess the condition of a piano and what it will need before I go on the service call.
The Formula for older pianos
When I calculate value on an older piano, I am really estimating condition and cost of repair, coupled with brand names and models.
$$ How much the piano could sell for in mint condition
-$$ The cost of getting it into mint condition
$$ The estimated wholesale value (if you sell to a dealer)
x Two or Three
$$ The estimated retail value (if you sell to an end user)
Young Pianos
What is a “young” piano? Think of a piano like a person. A 30 year old should be in great shape, all things being equal. If you have a piano that is 30 or younger, you can usually get a good idea of what it may be worth by doing an on line search for other pianos for sale similar to your own.
Age of your piano
The age speaks volumes, and many times determines the overall quality level.
To find the age of your piano, you will need the name and serial number. click here.
Service Records
If you have had the piano serviced on a regular basis, find those tuning receipts as proof the piano has been well maintained. This will also give the prospective buyer a professional contact to verify the condition of your piano. The original purchase price, if available, will help determine its present value as well, giving you a starting point in the formula.
Restored Pianos
A receipt for the work performed is vital to determining the value. It tells us who did the work, what was done, how well it was done, and how long we can expect it to last.
Exceptions to Condition
Name Brand: You may own a very good name piano, such as Steinway. Even in the worst condition, most Steinway Grand pianos can sell for $5,000 to $15,000 or more. Other names of valuable pianos would include: Mason and Hamlin, Boosendorfer, Bechstein, Baldwin, Blunther, Sauter, to name only a few. A quick web search will reveal if your piano's name alone carries value.
Ornate or Unusual Case Design: If your piano is very ornate with carvings and inlays, or a very unusual case design, this can make the piano more valuable no matter what the name of the piano is.
This example is common Winter Spinet piano, but the ornate carvings and inlays on the case give it more value than an ordinary case. /mac-os-iso-download-free.html.
If you think your piano falls into one of these categories, you may need our personal assistance. Click here.
Lets find out what kind of piano you have.
An upright piano (shown left) has vertical strings and soundboard. Can be 3–5+ feet tall. Click here if you have an upright.
A grand piano (shown right) has horizontal strings and soundboard and has 3,4, or 6 legs. Click here if you have a grand.